What does AI think of aim assist?

What does AI think of aim assist?

just a few years ago if you had talked to a PC - keyboard and mouse (kbm) player or console - controller player and asked them what the superior input device was, the conventional answer would have been kbm. It was "known" that the higher level of precision kbm gave the player, was superior to controller. This belief however, has become subject to much debate as cross-platform gaming has become status quo in multiplayer gaming. Kbm and controller players facing off in daily competition have started to loudly argue over input devices. The aim assist provided to controller players to make-up for lack of precision has become the main focus of this debate. Is it unfair? Does it lower the skill gap? 

After listening for a long time to both sides I decided it was time to go to a new source. It was time to talk to AI. Maybe it could come up with the final answer. Hoping to end this debate once and for all I went ahead and told the AI,  “write an argumentative article on whether aim assist is unfair in competition and which gaming input device is better”

 Here is what it said (pictures added by yours truly): 

The Debate Over Aim Assist and the Superiority of Gaming Input Devices

The use of aim assist in competitive gaming has been a topic of debate for many years. While some argue that aim assist gives players an unfair advantage, others believe that it helps level the playing field for those with disabilities and makes the game more accessible. The debate over which gaming input device is better, mouse and keyboard or aim assist controller, is also ongoing, with strong arguments for both sides. In this article, we will examine the arguments for and against aim assist in competitive gaming, and come to a decision on which gaming input device is superior.

First, let's consider the use of aim assist in competitive gaming. Proponents of aim assist argue that it helps players with disabilities or physical difficulties to compete at a higher level. They also argue that aim assist can improve accuracy and consistency, making it easier for players to aim and shoot accurately in fast-paced games. These benefits, they argue, make the game more accessible and fairer for everyone.

On the other hand, opponents of aim assist in competitive gaming argue that it gives players an unfair advantage over those who use a mouse and keyboard. They argue that aim assist allows players to perform actions that would not be possible without it, and that this gives them an advantage that is not available to all players. They also argue that aim assist takes away the challenge and skill required to be successful in a game, making it less enjoyable for those who are looking for a more challenging experience.

In conclusion, the debate over aim assist and which gaming input device is better is ongoing, with valid arguments on both sides. While aim assist can help players with disabilities and improve accuracy, it can also give players an unfair advantage and take away the challenge of the game. On the other hand, while mouse and keyboard require more skill and strategy, they may not be accessible for everyone. Ultimately, the decision of whether to use aim assist and which gaming input device is better will depend on the individual player and the specific game they are playing. Some players may prefer the added assistance and accessibility of aim assist, while others may prefer the challenge and skill required by mouse and keyboard.

End of AI.

 Hey, its me. The human.

So while the AI tried to play nice and give both sides a fair shake, I believe that the verbiage used by the AI shows a clear leaning towards aim assist being unfair in competition, “mouse and keyboard require more skill and strategy” or “While aim assist can help players with disabilities and improve accuracy, it can also give players an unfair advantage and take away the challenge of the game.” Clearly AI thinks controller is cheap in comp but I’m still not sure.

Do you use kbm or controller? What are your thoughts on the debate? Let me know in the comments!

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